Welcome to the KLIK website!

If you grow up with a (chronic) illness, or have been (unexpectedly) admitted to the hospital, it may affect everyday life. The doctors, nurses and other members of the multidisciplinary team of children's hospitals in the Netherlands find it important to pay attention to this on a regular basis. This can be done with this website by completing questionnaires. On this website you can find information about KLIK and there are also useful links available.

KLIK is an abbreviation for Kwaliteit van Leven In Kaart (Quality of Life in Clinical Practice).

With KLIK, it is possible to systematically monitor the Quality of Life of a child or adolescent with a (chronic) disease, or (unexpected) admission to the hospital. Quality of life means: the way a child experiences the influence of its disease and treatment on his/her life. KLIK is a tool which the doctor or nurse uses to see in one glance how a child is doing. KLIK makes it possible to have attention for a child's development in the health care.

How does KLIK work?

Prior to an appointment at the outpatient clinic, a child, adolescent, parent and/or caregiver will complete questionnaires on the KLIK website. The answers will be converted into a clear PROfile. The paediatrician will request this web-based PROfile and will discuss this with the patient and their parents during the consultation.

How does KLIK work for you?

On the previous page, you can log in to complete your own KLIK questionnaires. Choose to which group you belong.

You can only complete the questionnaires if you have an appointment at the hospital within less than a few days. After you have completed the questionnaires, you can see the answers on the screen. The doctor or nurse will discuss this with you during the next appointment.

If after the consultation, you fill in the date of the new appointment on the website, you will receive a new email with the request to complete the questionnaires again, prior to this date. Please don't forget this!

If things are unclear, please send an e-mail to info@klik-uk.org.

Good luck completing the questionnaires!

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